
Belgískur sjonvarpsþáttur


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Seventeen years ago, Erik Hartman hosted the popular talk show « Boomerang ». A program that caused a lot of commotion.

Presenter: Marijke was 18 years old when a doctor damaged her spinal cord irrevocably. Valère fell victim to a absent-minded assistant. You are watching boomerang and we are going to talk about medical blunders.

Presenter now: Boomerang, that was me, boomerang was mine. It was the first television show where sadness, emotions were discussed. Sexuality as well. We talked openly about everything. So open. It was a controversial show. It was a live show, it was watched closely. I knew that as soon as I made a mistake, they’d make me pay for it. During the show on medical blunders, things went pretty wrong.

Presenter: What exactly happened to you, Marijke?

Marijke: I was hospitalized for a benign tumour. I was operated and they hit my spinal cord. (Starts crying) Sorry.

Presenter: We’ll come back to you later. Valère, you went to the hospital for a simple procedure…? Yeah, what was that exactly?

Valère: Well euh,

Presenter: Excuse me

Valère: Well, I had a lot of trouble with laryngitis. That was apparently caused by problems with my tonsils.

Presenter: With your tonsils?

Valère: My doctor advised me to have an operation. And is the result of that.

Presenter now: Valère had a problem with his vocal cords, and when he talked to me, well yeah, I heard such a funny sound, I just had to laugh so bad. Of course I knew, I couldn’t laugh, so I tried to hold it back, but the more I tried to focus on the seriousness, the more I thought ‘I can’t take this anymore’. It was horrible.

Presenter: Marijke, you had a normal life before the operation? And then you wake up from the narcosis and you realise life will never be the same again. How do you react to that?

Marijke: First, there’s a lot of disbelief.

Valère: Disbelief is the right word to describe the feeling.

Presenter: Excuse me.

Valère: Disbelief is the right word Marijke uses here. It’s also the first thing I felt. I thought ‘this can’t be’.

Presenter: (laughing loudly) Excuse me, excuse me ladies and gentlemen. So you try to… your future…

Valère: I’m sorry, but I really don’t understand…

Presenter: Excuse me, Valère, I’m really sorry. Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. That also means sexuality becomes a problem all of a sudden.

Marijke: Yeah, my boyfriend just broke it off. And I don’t blame him.

Valère: when you’re dealing with sex (Presenter laughing) it’s not just the physical side (presenter laughing), but also the sweet words (Presenter can’t stop laughing loudly) I think this is really inappropriate. Do you still want us to answer, because…

Marijke: Just stop talking

Valère: I’d rather not say anything this way

Presenter: Excuse me, really, ladies and gentlemen, I’m so sorry. I apologize. We had question from someone in the audience? Yes, sir, you had a comment?

Man in the audience: I had the same thing happening to me. (presenter laughing very loudly) My vocal cords got damaged in a very simple procedure.

Valère: I think this is really inappropriate.

Man in the audience: I think it is very annoying sir. To have someone making fun of you to your face.

Audience applauding.

Presenter now: It was conspiracy, they wanted me out of there. There were a lot of signs. Normally I can prepare my show with the guests. That night valère was said not be able to get there in time. All of a sudden the board of directors was in there. I got fired on the spot. Boomerang was cancelled. That was the end of my career. Well, of my television career.

This is still radio Suburb, 103.4FM, this is DJ Boomerang, I’m here to answer all your questions, requests, problems. Want to buy or sell? Throw a question and DJ Boomerang will throw an answer back! (Music)